Accelerating the Electrification of U.S.
Drive Trains: Ready and Affordable
Technology Solutions for Domestically
Manufactured Advanced Batteries
Larry Atkins
Exide Technologies
June 7, 2010
Project ID #
This presentation does not contain any proprietary, confidential, or otherwise restricted information
Begin Negotiation - Aug 2009
Start Project - Dec 2009
Project Finish - Dec 2012
Percent complete - 12%
(effective Mar 2010)
Advanced Battery Production Capacity -
(Domestic) to Enable Advanced Vehicles
Improved Energy Efficiency
Reduced Dependence on Foreign Oil
Reduction in Greenhouse Gasses
Enhancing National Security
ARRA Targets
Stimulate Economy
Increase Domestic Employment
Total project budget - $69.9M
DOE share - $34.3M (49%)
Exide share - $35.7M (51%)
Funding received in FY09 = $0
Funding Plan for FY10 = $15.3M
FY11 = $16.1M
FY12 &13 = $ 2.9M
Barriers & Targets
No Project Partnerships
Exide Share Internally Funded
Customer Support
17 Commitment/Support Letters
Material Vendor Support
Strategic Supply Agreements
Project Objectives DOE Merit Review - 2010
This project covers the expansion of Exide Technologies
manufacturing capacity for producing advanced batteries in
existing U.S.-based battery plants
The project plan is to implement a combined increase in yearly
production capacity of 1.5 million additional units at two of Exide’s
current manufacturing locations
Columbus, Georgia
Bristol, Tennessee
These advanced battery technologies are targeted to have an
accelerated near-term impact (in high volume) for micro-hybrid
vehicles, idle reduction commercial vehicles, and other strategic
market segments
Project Objectives DOE Merit Review - 2010
This manufacturing expansion project involves two of Exide’s
global technologies: a Spiral Wound Absorbed Glass Mat
(AGM) design and a Flat Plate AGM design, both of which will
be manufactured with advanced carbon technology as
required by customer specific advanced vehicle applications
Spiral Wound Example
Flat Plate Example
Project Objectives DOE Merit Review - 2010
The Exide Advanced Battery Expansion Project Addresses Key
Program Targets - ARRA and VT Program
$70M in direct economic activity in two domestic locations over the 3 year
scope of the project
320 manufacturing jobs in areas hit hard by the economic downturn
200 jobs in Columbus GA
120 jobs in Bristol TN
When installed in vehicles incorporating energy management
technologies, these advanced batteries enable a savings potential of
75 million gallons of fuel per year more than $200M at the pump
3 million barrels reduction of imported oil per year
600,000 metric tons of CO
per year in reduced emissions
Project Milestones DOE Merit Review - 2010
ARRA Award Announced Aug 09
Negotiation Period no project activity allowed
FY10 Progress
DOE Agreement Finalized Dec 09
10% spending cap pending NEPA CA
DCAA Audit Report Accepted Mar 10
Go/No-Go NEPA CA (FONSI) Mar 10
Full approval achieved / spending cap removed
Approach /Strategy DOE Merit Review - 2010
This project is being carried out in four
major project phases at each location
over the 3-year life of the project
Project Phases
1) Design Project and Arrange Funding
2) Procurement & Installation
3) Shakedown & Qualification
4) Production Ramp-up & Market Deployment
Approach /Strategy DOE Merit Review - 2010
The project deployment plan - key items
Project Task Areas
1) Pre-Agreement Planning
a) Prepare documents for NEPA EA
b) Preliminary product engineering planning
c) Order long lead time equipment
2) Project Management and Planning
a) Product design and planning
b) Order remaining equipment
c) Environmental Permitting
d) Receive, Install and Debug Equipment
e) Deliver to the DOE of 100 batteries manufactured from each
completed manufacturing facility from low rate initial production
for validation purposes
3) Production Scale-up including Hiring and Training of New
Manufacturing Employees
4) Achieve Production and Product Performance Targets
Accomplishments DOE Merit Review - 2010
The Exide Battery Expansion Project was only
Recently Fully Approved and has Now Begun the
Full Implementation Phase
Successful DOE negotiation period to achieve
Cooperative Agreement (Aug ’09 Dec ’10)
Successful NEPA Environmental Assessment (EA)
resulting in Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for
both project sites (Sep ’09 Mar ’10)
Successful DCAA Audit report regarding financial
systems and controls (Sep ’09 Mar ’10)
Accomplishments DOE Merit Review - 2010
Project Management
A formal organization has been implemented
High-level Steering Committee was formed with corporate
officer leadership and direction
Periodic meeting schedule - established & on track
Functional teams were formed with experienced leaders
Accomplishments DOE Merit Review - 2010
Project Management Structure
Implementation team established
System software decisions and upgrades
Special refresher training completed
PMBOK Principles
Common deployment across project sites
DOE EVM spreadsheet
Verified conformance
Training for key team members
Accomplishments DOE Merit Review - 2010
Project Deployment
Columbus GA Site ~ Flat Plate AGM
Full time Project Manager hired to run project
Weekly Columbus Update meetings
cross functional team members
executive staff from commercial divisions
Weekly Columbus team meetings
Focused local task assignments and reviews
Major equipment/process technical reviews
Ongoing and structured to achieve needs
Accomplishments DOE Merit Review - 2010
Project Deployment
Columbus GA Site ~ Flat Plate AGM
Critical Path Equipment on track
Specification and procurement planning
Layout decisions and implementation schedule
Accomplishments DOE Merit Review - 2010
Project Deployment
Bristol TN Site ~ Spiral Wound AGM
Full time Project Manager hired to run project
Weekly Bristol Implementation meetings
Cross functional team members
Focused local task assignments and reviews
Major equipment/process technical reviews
Ongoing and structured to achieve needs
Engineering planning has commenced with focus on
details of plant layout options, equipment
specification and production estimates
Accomplishments DOE Merit Review - 2010
Project Deployment
Bristol TN Site ~ Spiral Wound AGM
Environmental modeling activities underway to allow
required permitting according to work plan
Equipment procurement activities on track
Vendor visits, quoting and contract negotiations
Product Engineering on target plan
Finalized definition of full product line by SKU
There has been no slippage in projected timing from the
date of the CA, no changes that would impact either the
scope or cost of the project, and no foreseen problems
that would prevent a successful completion of the project
Collaboration DOE Merit Review - 2010
The Exide Advanced Battery Capacity Expansion
Project Does Not Involve Direct Project Partners
Internally Managed Manufacturing Capacity Expansion
Company share internally funded
Customer Commitments/Agreements
Proprietary listing of 17 supporting agreements with world-class
Automotive / Truck / Military OEMs; as well as, associated Industrial
products customers
Material Vendor Agreements and Support
Strategic supplier agreement with Axion Power International, Inc., a
developer of advanced batteries and components that incorporate
patented lead carbon battery PbC Technology
Support from all material and supply vendors within the required time
frame to meet full production capacity goals
Upcoming Work DOE Merit Review - 2010
Major Progress Planned During FY10 & FY11
Both sites scheduled for heavy front loaded spending
for major equipment during period
~44% of total project spending in FY10
~47% of total project spending in FY11
Production line sites will be readied in FY10 for
equipment installation in FY10 & FY11
Certain key items will be early and implemented
Hiring will continue but will lag rate of spending due
many long lead times on substantial list of capital items
Summary DOE Merit Review - 2010
Exide’s Battery Expansion Project
Relevance - Ready and affordable technology solutions for domestically manufactured
advanced batteries / accelerating the electrification of U.S. drive trains. Helps achieve
domestic targeted goals for economic growth and employment, while enabling advanced
vehicles that will reduce dependence on foreign oil, reduce emissions, and reduce green
house gasses all enhancing our national security.
Approach/Strategy Project management planning and system implemented for structured
earned value management approach. Four project phases administered at two production
sites with centralized direction and local deployment teams. Task planning structured and
planned to achieve project objectives.
Accomplishments Cooperative Agreement negotiation completed Dec ’09 and final
requirements removing spending lid achieved Mar ’10. Project sites active with project teams
and activities progressing according to plan. There has been no slippage in projected timing
from the date of the CA, no changes that would impact either the scope or cost of the project,
and no foreseen problems that would prevent a successful completion of the project.
Collaboration Exide’s project does not include partner relationships. The company share of
the funding is supplied fully from internal sources. Key customer relationships and strategic
vendor support agreements will enable commercialization plan.
Upcoming Work Accelerating deployment activities are planned for FY10 and FY11 with
over 90% of the total project spending during that period. Long lead time on major capital
equipment will cause employment numbers to proceed, but will lag spending.