Vermont Claimant Handbook
State of Vermont
Department of Labor
5 Green Mountain Drive
P.O. Box 488
Montpelier, VT 05601-0488
A Guide to Unemployment Insurance in Vermont
Vermont Claimant Handbook
A Guide to Unemployment Insurance in Vermont
B-11 (6-19)
Table of Contents
1 Introduction to Unemployment
Vermont JobLink “Plus Account” and
Job Service On-Line Registration . . . . . . . . . . . .
Vermont Department of Labor Career Resource
Centers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Internet Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Unemployment Telephone Automated Services . . . . . 2
Claims Center Core Hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
TTY Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2 Your Responsibilities as a Claimant
How to File an Unemployment Claim . . . . . . . . .
Filing Weekly Claims by Internet . . . . . . . . . . .
Filing Weekly Claims by Phone . . . . . . . . . . . .
Eight Questions You Will be Asked . . . . . . . . . . .
If You Make a Mistake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Able and Available for Work. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Reporting Wages When Filing a Weekly Claim . . . . . .
Return to Work Dates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Losing Your Right to Collect . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Reasons You Must Call Claimant Assistance . . . . . . .
Work Search Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Suitable Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Self Employment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sideline Activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Pensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Disqualifying Types of Payment . . . . . . . . . . .
3 Information About Your Claim
Determinations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Claims Adjudications Process . . . . . . . . . . . .
Length of Payments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Calculating a Weekly Benefit Amount . . . . . . . . .
Wages Not Used in Determining Weekly Amount . . .
Base Periods and Base Period Chart . . . . . . . . . .
Direct Deposit Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Information Needed for Direct Deposit Services . . . .
When to Expect Benefit Payments . . . . . . . . . . .
Re-qualifying for a New Benefit Year . . . . . . . . . .
Extended Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Unemployment & Income Taxes . . . . . . . . . . . .
Wage Record Crossmatch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
New Hire Crossmatch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Benefit Accuracy Measurement Program . . . . . . . .
Benefit Overpayment, Recovery, and Penalty Weeks . . .
4 Your Rights as a Claimant
Appealing Determinations . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Three Appeal Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The Appeal Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Notice of Hearing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Do I Need a Lawyer? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Evaluate and Prepare Your Evidence . . . . . . . .
What Goes on at the Hearing? . . . . . . . . . . .
The Importance of Witnesses & Subpoenas. . . . . .
Contacts with the Administrative Law Judge . . . .
Postponement of a Hearing . . . . . . . . . . . .
Withdrawal of an Appeal . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Domestic and Sexual Violence Survivors’
Transition Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Equal Opportunity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Discrimination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Limited English Proę ciency and
Sign Language Interpreters . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Americans With Disabilities Act . . . . . . . . . . . .
5 Worksheets and Forms 22-50
How to Report Gross Wages . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Change of Address Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Promise of Full-Time Employment . . . . . . . . . .
Return to Work Notification . . . . . . . . . . . . .
UI Claim Appeal Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Work Search Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Table of Contents (continued)
Introduction to Unemployment Insurance
Unemployment Insurance has been in existence since 1939. It is designed to provide short-term replace-
ment of lost wages to individuals who are unemployed through no fault of their own. Unemployment
Insurance is not intended to be a permanent source of income.
• Priority of Services for Veterans and Veterans
Skill Assessment
Job Search Assistance
Workshops, including Resume Development
and Interviewing Skills
Apprenticeship and other Job Training
• Career Assessments and Job Coaching
• Referrals to potential employers
Access to Hiring Events, Job Fairs, and other
Recruitment Events
• Occupational and Labor Market Information
Computer, Internet, Fax, and Photocopier usage
To ęle a claim for Unemployment Insurance, you must have and be willing to provide a valid Social
Security Number (SSN). Your SSN is used for identięcation purposes. In addition, employers use Social
Security Numbers to report quarterly wages to the Department.
The eěective date of your claim depends on the day you actually ęle for beneęts, not on the day you
lose your job. Once a claim is ęled it cannot be withdrawn.
There are many rules and regulations surrounding proper receipt of Unemployment Insurance beneęts.
This handbook is designed to advise you of your responsibilities and rights, as well as provide you with
important information regarding unemployment beneęts. Be sure to read the Your Responsibilities
(chapter 2) and Your Rights (chapter 4) sections of this handbook. You will be required to certify that
you have read and understand these sections prior to ęling your ęrst claim. If you have any questions
about the content of this claimant handbook, please contact the Claimant Assistance Line at 1-877-214-
3332 for clarification.
Vermont JobLink “Plus Account” and Job Service Online Registration
Claimants are REQUIRED to register for work in the Department’s Vermont JobLink system. You
can register for these services by going to: and clicking on “Find a Job”
followed by “Create an Account” or by contacting a VDOL Career Resource Center nearest to you
for assistance. Failure to register in Vermont JobLink as directed may result in a delay in your
The Vermont JobLink is an Internet based, no-fee, job matching, and workforce information system for
jobseekers and employers. Claimants can access and utilize a variety of services through their individ-
ualized self-service account. By registering, you make yourself available to a large number of employers
If you reside outside of Vermont, you must register with the state workforce agency in your state of
residence. You must provide proof of this registration to the Vermont Department of Labor Claims
Center by fax to 802-828-9191 or by email at [email protected] within 10 days of opening
your Vermont unemployment compensation claim. Failure to do so will result in an issue being
established on your claim and the potential that you could be denied benefits.
Vermont Department of Labor Career Resource Centers
variety of services. Some of these include:
If you are filing for unemployment and receive a referral to a job opening, it is your responsibility to
contact the employer immediately. Failure to do so may result in a denial and/or overpayment of
benefits. To find out more about our Career Resource Centers go to and select
Job Seekers and Workers and click on Find Career Resource Centers under the Job Seeker section.
A complete list of our Career Resource Centers can also be found on the inside back cover of this handbook.
Internet Services
Sundays 24 hours
Monday-Thursday 3:30 AM — 11:30 PM
Friday 3:30 AM — 4:30 PM
The following services are available on our website at*
Unemployment Insurance Applications include:
Re-open your claim
File a weekly claim certification
Enroll, update, or cancel direct deposit
Payment Information
Date last payment issued
Amount of gross unemployment paid
for prior year (1099G)
Other services include:
Detailed information and forms related to the Unemployment Insurance process
Vermont JobLink
Commonly used Unemployment Insurance Forms
Frequently Asked Questions
Unemployment Telephone Automated Services
Sundays 24 hours
Monday-Friday 5:00 AM — 4:30 PM
The following services are available on our Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system. You can
access them by calling toll free 1-800-983-2300.*
Date last payment issued
General information on Unemployment Insurance
Locations of the Vermont Career Resource Centers
Amount of gross unemployment paid for prior year (1099G)
Enroll in direct deposit
File a weekly claim certification.
Locations of the Vermont Career Resource Centers
2 | Vermont Department of Labor
If you are filing for unemployment and receive a referral to a job opening, it is your responsibility to
contact the employer immediately. Failure to do so may result in a denial and/or overpayment of
benefits. To find out more about our Career Resource Centers go to and select
Job Seekers and Workers and click on Find Career Resource Centers under the Job Seeker section.
A complete list of our Career Resource Centers can also be found on the inside back cover of this handbook.
Internet Services
Sundays 24 hours
Monday-Thursday 3:30 AM — 11:30 PM
Friday 3:30 AM — 4:30 PM
The following services are available on our website at*
Unemployment Insurance Applications include:
Reopen your claim
File a weekly claim certification
Enroll, update, or cancel direct deposit
Payment Information
Date last payment issued
Amount of gross unemployment paid
for prior year (1099G)
Other services include:
Detailed information and forms related to the Unemployment Insurance process
Vermont JobLink
Commonly used Unemployment Insurance Forms
Frequently Asked Questions
Sundays 24 hours
Monday-Friday 5:00 AM — 4:30 PM
The following services are available on our Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system. You can
access them by calling toll free 1-800-983-2300.*
Date last payment issued
General information on Unemployment Insurance
Locations of the Vermont Career Resource Centers
Amount of gross unemployment paid for prior year (1099G)
Enroll in direct deposit
File a weekly claim certification.
Locations of the Vermont Career Resource Centers
*If you have been directed that you must conduct a weekly search for jobs, you MUST le your weekly
claim certifications online at
Unemployment Telephone Automated Services
*You cannot use this method to file your weekly claim certification if you are required to report a weekly
work search.
3 | Vermont Department of Labor
Claims Center Hours
Monday - Thursday 8:30 AM — 4:00 PM
Friday 9:00 AM — 4:00 PM
To ę le a New or Re-Open a Claim, call toll-free 1-877-214-3330
For General Assistance, call toll-free 1-877-214-3332
TTY/TDD Services
Monday - Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Friday 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
All services related to your unemployment needs can be accessed through TTY/TDD Service.
Call toll-free 1-800-650-4152
VDOL Customer Service Representatives are available to assist you with your unemployment questions and needs.
Your Responsibilities as a Claimant
If a payment is made in error as a result of
someone else using your PIN and SSN, you
will be required to repay the full amount of
improperly paid beneę ts and you may also
have administrative penalty weeks assessed
against you.
If you have a break in filing (for any
reason) or were totally employed for the
previous week, IT WILL BE NECESSARY
(by 4:00 p.m. on Friday of the week for
which you will be requesting a benefit)
BEFORE you will be able to file your
weekly claim certification.
Claims will not be backdated as a result of
untimely ę ling.
You may re-open your claim online at or by calling the
Initial Claims line at 1-877-214-3330.
Filing Weekly Claim Certifications by
Internet at
You are required to file your weekly claim
certifications online, unless otherwise approved.
How to File an Unemployment
Insurance Claim
(Continued on next page)
If you become unemployed and have worked in
Vermont in the past 18 months, you may be eli-
gible to receive unemployment insurance benefits.
Please refer to Section 3 “Base Periods” for more
details. Once you become totally or partially
unemployed, the time to establish a new claim is
during the first week you work less than 35 hours.
An Unemployment Insurance claim becomes
effective when opened and cannot go backward
in time. It is essential that you open your claim
during the first week you are out of work or
working less than 35 hours.
Filing for Unemployment Insurance is a two step
process. You must first contact the Department’s
Initial Claims line at 1-877-214-3330 to open your
unemployment claim. Once the claim has been
established, you must file a “weekly claim
certification for each “week” in which you want to
receive a benefit thereafter. The weekly filing
determines your eligibility for payment of benefits.
For the purposes of unemployment benefits, a “week”
begins at midnight Sunday and runs through 11:59
PM the following Saturday. Generally speaking, you
will file a weekly claim on the first Sunday or
Monday following the initial contact to the
Department. Each week thereafter, you must file a
weekly claim after the week ends on Saturday, but
BEFORE 4:30 PM the following Friday.
weekly claim after the week ends on Saturday.
When you file your first weekly claim certification,
you will be required to establish a four digit
Personal Identification Number (PIN), which you
will use along with your SSN each time you
file a weekly claim. It is your responsibility to
ensure that no one else, including family
members, has access to your PIN.
To file your weekly claim certification
go to
and select
"File An Unemployment Claim"
Specific instructions detailing how to file online are
provided within the Claimant Portal. The first time
you file a weekly claim
certification, you will be
asked to establish your PIN. You will also be asked if
you have received, read, and understood the section
"Your Rights and Responsibilities" in this handbook.
You will then be asked eight questions concerning
the week for which you are filing.
5 | Vermont Department of Labor
receive a filing confirmation number. Retain a copy
of this confirmation. If you do not receive this
display, your filing was not successful and your
claim will not be processed.
Filing Weekly Claim Certifications by Phone
Call 1-800-983-2300 – select Option #1
This filing option is only available to
claimants with a return to work date of 10
weeks or less on file with the Department or to
those with an approved waiver.
The first time you file a weekly claim certification,
you will be asked to establish your PIN. You will
also be asked if you have received, read, and
understood the section “Your Rights and
Responsibilities” in this handbook.
You will then be asked eight questions concerning
the week for which you are filing. Remember, you
are always filing for the previous week and your
answers should relate only to that week.
Press 1 to answer YES or 9 to answer NO to the
questions. When you have completed the ę ling,
you will hear the words, “Thank you for using the
weekly claim and information line. Good-bye”,
which indicates that the ę ling was accepted. Do
not hang up until you have heard the system say
“good-bye” or your claim will not be processed.
Remember, you are always ę ling for the
previous week and your answers should relate
only to that week. You may also be asked to
provide the following details in regards to your
required work search contacts: Date of contact;
Employer name; Employer address; Person
contacted; Phone number; E-mail if applicable;
Position applied for; Method of contact; and
Results of the contact.
When you have completed and successfully
submiĴ ed the internet claim form you will
The EIGHT Questions Asked When Filing a Weekly Claim Certification
Eligibility is determined by your answers to the questions below for each week you ę le.
1. Were you able to work and available for work?
2. Did you refuse an oě er of work or a referral to a job?
3. Did you quit a job?
4. Were you ę red from a job?
5. Did you receive a back pay award or seĴ lement?
6. Did you receive Workers’ Compensation, Vacation pay, or Wages in Lieu of Notice?
7. Did you look for work as directed?
8. Did you perform any work or earn any wages?
Depending on how you answer these questions, other questions may also be asked. Answer
all questions accurately. A material misstatement of fact made in connection with filing a claim
for unemployment benefits may result in liability to repay the benefits and the assessment of
penalty weeks. For more information refer to Benefit Overpayment, Recovery, and Penalty
Weeks section of this handbook.
If you forget to file a weekly claim certification, remember you have until 4:30 PM Friday to file
that claim online. If you cannot file, please call the Claimant Assistance Line at
1-877-214-3332 by 4:00pm.
If you have made a mistake in filing your claim certification, you may correct it on the same day by
simply filing the claim again. The last claim filed on that day will be the one processed. If you discover
the mistake too late to refile, call Claimant Assistance to correct your mistake.
If You Make a Mistake When Filing a Weekly Claim Certification
Able and Available for Work
A basic requirement of the Unemployment Insur-
ance program is that you are able and available for
“Able to work” means that you are mentally and
physically able to accept work that you have the
qualifications, by training or experience, to perform.
“Available to work” means that you do not have
barriers that prevent you from accepting suitable
work and that you have an attachment to your
labor market area. Barriers can include, but are
not limited to: childcare, enrollment in training
or classes, transportation issues, or any other
issues that prevent you from seeking or accepting
If your work history is working full-time, you
must be available for full-time work. If your work
history is only part-time work, you must be avail-
able for the same or similar number of hours per
week. However, a work history of part-time work
does not automatically make an oě er of full-time
work unsuitable.
Claimants who have provided the Department
with an employer verified return to work date that
is within 10 weeks may not be required to seek
new employment; however, they must remain
available to accept any suitable work offered, even
if this offer does not come from the employer who
has provided the return to work date. If you have
any questions about being Able and Available for
work, please call Claimant Assistance at 1-877-214-
Reporting Wages When Filing a Weekly
You are encouraged to accept part-time work
while looking for full-time work and receiving
benefits. The unemployment law includes a
provision known as disregarded earnings”.
All unemployment claims filed will disregard
50% of the reported gross wages earned. Earnings
that exceed 50% of your gross wages are deducted
on a dollar for dollar basis from your benefit
payment. When you report gross earnings, the
system will automatically calculate the amount of
your payment. You are still required to report all of
your gross wages earned during the week for
which you file. The disregard calculation will
happen after you file. Failure to report correctly
may result in an over-payment of benefits and
possible penalty weeks. If you later discover you
made a mistake in reporting wages, you must call
Claimant Assistance to have the wages corrected.
If you work 35 hours or more or your earnings
exceed your weekly benefit amount plus your
disregarded earnings, you will be considered fully
employed and will not be entitled to receive benefit
for that week.
If your hours or earnings are reduced in a future
week, you will need to re-open your claim
by going to and selecting
“File An Unemployment Claim” then “Re-open
Claim” or by calling 1-877-214-3330.
You must report all wages earned from employ-
ment during the week you earn them, whether or
not you have received payment for this work.
The term “wages” means all payments for servic-
es performed by an individual, including commis-
sion sales, gratuities, and cash value of any non-
cash items such as board, rent, fuel, or offset of a
debt. At the back of this handbook, you have been
provided a worksheet with examples to help you
calculate and keep track of your earnings.
Failure to provide accurate information when filing
your weekly claim certification may result in an
over-payment of benefits. If you fail to report all
of your earnings, and as a result are overpaid
unemployment benefits, you will be required to
repay the benefits. If it is determined you
intentionally omitted or under reported your
earnings, you may have additional penalties
7 | Vermont Department of Labor
Losing Your Right to Collect BeneÀ ts
The Unemployment Insurance system is designed to help you, but it does have rules and
regulations that must be followed. The following actions may result in the loss, denial, or
delay of benefits. You may be required to repay any benefits improperly received as a result
of your non-disclosure or misrepresentation of a material fact. If you have questions about any
of these situations, it is YOUR responsibility to contact Claimant Assistance.
It is YOUR responsibility to notify the Claims Center
if any of these situations occurs.
If you quit a job or leave a job due to health reasons
If you are discharged or ę red from a job
If you lose your job due to a conviction, incarceration, or for any other reason involving
actions by a judge, court, the Department of Corrections, or a law enforcement agency
If you leave your job to participate in a strike or labor dispute
If you fail to register with or report to a Career Resource Center as directed
If you fail to actively look for work as directed
If you fail to follow up on a referral for work
If you fail to apply for and/or accept suitable work
If you fail to be able and available for work
If you leave your immediate area and/or your address changes
If you fail to accurately report the number of hours worked and earnings from
employment, casual employment, or sub-contracting
If you fail to report you are starting your own business while ę ling
If you fail to report an increase in sideline or self employment activity
If you fail to report you are aĴ ending school or training
If you fail to report the receipt of vacation or severance pay, paid time off, wages in lieu
of notice, back pay award or settlement, temporary workers’ compensation, or pension
that is contributed to entirely by a base period employer
If you are applying for or receiving unemployment beneę ts from another state
If you cannot provide documentation of your identity and/or citizenship when required
If you fail to report receipt of return to work assurance from an educational institution
If you miss a scheduled shift of work or ask not to be scheduled for any reason
have a return to work date, you must be avail-
able for work. If you refuse an offer of work,
and the Department determines the offer was
for “suitable work”, you will be disqualified
from receiving benefits and may have to repay
benefits that have been paid to you.
If a return to work date changes, the employer
must contact the Department to provide a new
date. If your return to work date has passed
and you are unable to file your weekly claim,
you will need to contact Claimant Assistance
at 1-877-214-3332 in order to have your record
updated and weekly claim taken by staff.
Return to Work Dates
If an employer provides you with a definite re-
turn to work date for full time employment that
is within 10 weeks from the date you opened
your claim, you may be excused from making
an active work search once the employer
submits written confirmation of the return to
work date to the Department.
A form (B-37) with the information needed from
the employer is provided in the back of this
handbook. If your return to work date is greater
than 10 weeks from the date you open your
claim, you will be required to perform a work
search and report your work searches on your
weekly continued claim online at www.labor. beginning with your first week of
filing and until you return to work. Even if you
Your telephone number changes
You are unavailable for work for any reason
You are ill or disabled
Your return to work date changes in any way
You become self-employed or start your own business
You move to another state
You leave your immediate area even if only for a few days
You aĴ end or plan to aĴ end any school or training programs
You receive reasonable assurance * of returning to work in an educational seĴ ing
Your situation meets one or more of the criteria noted on page 7 under “Losing Your
Right to Collect Beneę ts”
Name, Address, or Telephone Number Change
Reasonable Assurance for Individuals Who Work for a School
* Individuals who work for a school and are unemployed between terms (for example, during
the summer) or during a break in the school schedule during the school year are not allowed
to use the wages earned in this type of employment, provided the individual has a reasonable
assurance of returning to work for a school at the end of the break. If you started the break or
are between terms and do not have a reasonable assurance of returning to work, you may be
eligible for unemployment benefits. If during this time you receive an offer of work from a
school, you must notify the Department immediately. Likewise, if you had a reasonable
assurance of returning to work and for some reason you no longer have a reasonable
assurance, call Claimant Assistance.
Telephone number changes may be made by calling
Claimant Assistance, if you are not submiĴ ing a
name or address change.
If your name or address changes (even if you have not moved), you must submit
these changes in writing. You may submit your name, address, or telephone
number change by completion of the form at the back of your handbook.
If you are out of the area for two weeks or more, even if the relocation is
not permanent, you must submit a change of address. Upon receipt, we
will provide you with further instructions, including the necessity to
register for work. Please note: Unemployment payments will not be
forwarded. The Department must also be able to contact you regarding job
referrals and have a current address to mail your 1099G form.
9 | Vermont Department of Labor
Unless you have a definite return to work date
occurring within 10 weeks of opening a new or
additional claim with a specific employer and/or
have been excused by the Department from
conducting an active work search, you are
REQUIRED to make and report at least three (3)
job contacts for each week you file a weekly
claim certification. You must be realistic in your
search for work. To assist you in your work
search efforts, you will be required to register
with the Vermont Job Link if you have not
already registered. You can register by going to: Make sure that you
apply for jobs you are qualified to do and are
willing to accept. The longer you are un-
employed, the more intensive and expansive
your work searches should become. Applying
for the same job more than once within a five
week period does not count as a valid contact.
The Department will be conducting random
checks of job contacts. If you do not make
contacts as required, you will be liable to repay
benefits improperly paid.
A valid job contact depends on the type of work
you are qualified to perform. Submission of a
job application for a vacant position is a valid
contact. Submission of a resume would only be
IF you work in a “professional”
trade or occupation. Applying in person would
be a valid contact for “non-professional” trades,
such as work in the construction trade. Tele-
phone calls are not an acceptable method of
contact. Seeking employment by “sur ng”
the Internet for available jobs or by posting
your resume at an employment website, includ-
ing Vermont JobLink, is not a valid job contact,
unless you have actually applied for a job
with a speci c employer. In these instances,
you should print and keep any con rmation
you receive indicating your application has
been submi ed.
Work Search Requirements
A valid job contact depends on the type
of work you are quali ed to perform.
trade or occupation. Applying in person
would be a valid contact for “non-professional”
trades, such as work in the construction trade.
Telephone calls are NOT an acceptable method
of contact. Seeking employment by “surng”
the Internet for available jobs or by posting your
resume at an employment website, including
Vermont JobLink, is not a valid job contact,
unless you have actually applied for a job with a
specic employer. In these instances, you should
print and keep any conrmation you receive
indicating your application has been submitted.
If the employer instructs you to apply online or
an in-store kiosk, the contact is only valid if you
have applied in that manner.
You are also REQUIRED to keep accurate
records of your job contacts. Work search forms
are provided in the back of the handbook to assist
you in keeping track of your contacts. If you do
not use these forms, you are required to keep
records containing all of the information outlined
on our work search form (Date of contact;
Employer name; Employer address; Person
contacted; Phone number; E-mail if applicable;
Position applied for; Method of contact; and
Results of the contact). Please be sure to keep
copies of confirmation pages and or e-mail
records for online and e-mail work search efforts.
As indicated previously, work search efforts WILL
BE MONITORED. If you are asked to submit
information to the Department, we suggest visiting
a Career Resource Center. The Center can mail or
fax your information free of charge. Keep copies
for yourself of any information that is submitted to
the Department. If you have not met the
requirements, you may be found in overpayment
for any weeks you did not comply with the
directives and may be required to repay benefits.
You may be selected to participate in Re-
employment Services provided by a Career
Resource Center. Failure to participate may
result in a denial and/or overpayment of benefits,
which you could be liable to repay. Additionally,
in order to receive certain unemployment
benefits, you may be required by the Department
to attend an orientation session at a Career
Resource Center, as well as enter your work
search contacts weekly through an online Web
application. Specific instructions detailing how to
file online can be found on the Department's
website at or by visiting a
local Career Resource Center.
If the Vermont Division of Vocational
Rehabilitation is helping you conduct a work
search, your counselor may submit a letter to the
Department to request waiver of the
unemployment work search requirements under
the regular unemployment insurance program.
This does not, however, waive the requirement
to be able and available for work.
partnership, or a limited liability company or
other similar entity is self-employed. While a
self-employed individual is not automatically
ineligible for unemployment insurance benefits,
the more time and effort the individual devotes
to self-employment the less he or she is avail-
able for work with other employers. If you are
or attempt to become self-employed, you must
call Claimant Assistance line at 1-877-214-3332.
Sideline Activity
Sideline activity is your own pre-existing self-
employment business, established or performed at
the same time you were working for a primary
employer whose employment is covered under
the unemployment insurance laws. When you
lose your primary employment, but continue your
sideline activity (your own business), you do not
report any earnings from your sideline activity
when filing your weekly
claims certification.
However, you are required to contact
Assistance if you
increase your time
devoted to your
sideline activity by
20% or more,
which is measured
by time devoted or
earnings you
received from your
own pre-existing
business. Sideline
Activity is NOT
working a second
job at another
business. It is your
own business that
you established
and did while
working for your primary employer before
establishing an unemployment claim. If you
have any questions on whether or not the
employment in question should be reported on
your weekly claim certification, to avoid
overpayment of benefits you will be required
to repay, you are encouraged to contact
Claimant Assistance for guidance.
Suitable Work
Suitable work is generally defined as work
that you are qualified to do based on your
skills, work experience, and employment
history and that pays at least the prevailing
wage rate for the type of job in your local labor
market. You are required, as a condition of
receiving unemployment benefits, to apply for
and accept an offer of suitable work. If you fail,
without good cause, to either apply for or
accept an offer of suitable work, you will be
disqualified for benefits and may be required
to repay benefits you received. Although you
may be looking for full time work, a refusal of
suitable part-time work could also result in a
Prior training and/or experience, prior earnings,
length of employment, prospects of securing
work in your local labor market in your cus-
tomary occupation, the distance to work from
your home, physical fitness requirements of the
job, the degree of risk involved to your health,
safety, or morals are factors involved in deter-
mining if a job is suitable.
A job paying less than the last one you held
will gradually become more suitable the longer
you are unemployed. You must be willing to ac-
cept 10% less than you were making when you
ę led your initial claim. After ę ve weeks of ę l-
ing, you must be willing to accept 20% less and
after ten weeks of ę ling, you must be willing to
accept the prevailing wage for the type of work
you are seeking. The prevailing wage is the
average wage for the job among all employers
in your labor market. A Career Resource Center
can provide you with prevailing wage
information in your labor market or it can be
obtained at Reminder:
You must report all refusals of work, even if
you believe that they are not suitable.
An individual who is engaged in the formation,
development, or operation of a trade, business,
enterprise, profession, or other activity under-
taken for the purpose of producing income and
which is in the form of a sole proprietorship,
11 | Vermont Department of Labor
Pensions you contributed to in whole or in part are not deductible from your weekly benefit
amount. Pensions that are totally funded by a base period employer are deducted dollar-for-
dollar from your benefit amount. If your deductible pension income is less than your benefit
amount, you will receive a reduced benefit. It is your reponsibility to report the receipt of pension
to the Department. Failure to do so may result in overpayment of benefits, which you may be
liable to repay.
The following types of pensions may
affect your weekly beneÀ t amount,
depending on whether or not you con-
tributed to the pension:
Employer pension program
Military pension
Civil Service pension
Local Government pension
The following types of retirement income
will not affect your weekly beneÀ t amount:
Pension from a non-base period employer
Supplemental Security Income
Veterans Administration Disability
Social Security Income
Disqualifying Types of Payment
Severance payment is a payment that is generally paid to a worker following an employer down-
sizing or reduction of workforce. If you receive severance pay upon separation, you will be
disqualified, meaning that you will not be able to receive an unemployment benefit for the same
time that you have received severance pay. However, you may still be able to collect the maximum
duration of benefits, but only after the severance pay has been allocated. If you receive severance
pay after you begin filing, you are required to call the Claimant Assistance line at 1-877-214-3332 to
report your severance payment.
Vacation pay, wages in lieu of notice, and backpay awards or settements also impact weeks
claimed. If you receive any of these types of payments that you have not already reported to
the Department, you must call Claimant Assistance.
Information About Your Claim
Claims Adjudication Process
If an issue is created on the claim, your file will
be sent to the Adjudications Unit and a notice
will be mailed to you indicating the time and
date of a fact-finding interview, if one is
necessary. This is your only opportunity to
discuss your situation with a claims adjudicator.
If you miss the fact-finding interview, the adju-
dicator will render the determination based on
available information and mail it to you. This
determination will explain whether you have
been found eligible to receive benefits or not.
If you quit a job for personal reasons not aĴ rib-
utable to the employer you may be disqualię ed
from receiving beneę ts until you have started
new employment, earned six times your weekly
beneę t amount, and become unemployed
through no fault of your own.
If you were ę red for misconduct the stan-
dard disqualię cation of 10 weeks is usually
imposed. In addition, a cap on the maximum
number of weeks to be claimed in a beneę t
year will be imposed to not exceed 23 full
If you were ę red for gross misconduct you
may be disqualię ed from receiving beneę ts
until you have started new employment,
earned six times your weekly beneę t amount,
and become unemployed through no fault of
your own.
Separation for gross misconduct will prohibit
the use of wages earned from the separating
employer for calculation of your weekly
beneę t amount.
(continued next page)
weekly benefit amount. You will receive a “Monetary Determination” that explains
the wages we have used to determine whether you have been paid enough wages to
qualify for a weekly benefit amount and what that amount will be. This will list the
employers you have worked for and the wages reported under your SSN during the
base period. If information is missing, such as wages from another state or wages
from a Vermont employer, you will receive additional monetary re-determinations,
as the Department obtains this information. If you did not work for any employers
indicated on this notice or if the wage amounts are incorrect or missing, contact
Claimant Assistance.
The Department will determine if you meet the basic eligibility requirements for
benefits, such as ability and availability for work. This may create an “issue”
on your claim and require you to go through the adjudication process.
The Department will determine if there is anything regarding your separation
from employment that would create an “issue” on your claim, such as a voluntary
quit, a discharge, a medical separation, or separation pay. This may create an
“issue” on your claim and require you to go through the adjudication process.
When you open an initial claim for benefits, the Department must make several initial
decisions about whether or not you are entitled to receive unemployment benefits.
The Department will determine if you have sufficient wages to qualify for a
Wages Not Used to Determine a Weekly BeneÀ t Amount
Although most individuals are covered for unemployment purposes, provided they have
sufficient earnings and meet all other eligibility requirements, State law excludes certain
types of employment from coverage. The types of services that are excluded from
coverage include, but are not limited to:
Elected o Ĝ cials to State and local governments, members of a legislative body or
the Judiciary, members of the State National Guard or Air National Guard, and
certain temporary “emergency employment”;
Some nonproę t religious, charitable, agricultural, educational organizations or
institutions of higher education, and railroad employment;
Insurance agents, solicitors, or salespersons, if solely paid by commissions and/or
are required to be licensed by State law;
A sole proprietor or his/her spouse or civil union partner, parent, or children under
the age 18;
A partnership or a member/manager of a Limited Liability Company or Limited
Liability Partnership and their spouses or civil union partners, parents, and
children under 18;
Employment at a small farm;
Wages earned as a direct seller.
13 | Vermont Department of Labor
Once you are paid your maximum amounts,
you cannot file again until your benefit year
expires. The Department will notify you if
extended benefits become available.
Calculating a Weekly BeneÀ t Amount
Your weekly benefit amount is based on gross
wages paid to you as reported by your former,
liable employer(s). To be monetarily eligible for
benefits, you must have earned the minimum
amount (required by law) of “covered” wages
in your highest quarter of the base period and
the remaining quarters of the base period must
equal or exceed 40% of the highest quarter. The
weekly benefit amount is calculated by adding
the wages in the two highest quarters in the
base period together and dividing by 45, then
rounding down to the next whole dollar. You
will receive a monetary determination in the
mail listing your quarterly wages. If any of the
wage information is missing or incorrect, call
Claimant Assistance.
Length of Payments
A benefit year is 52 weeks starting the week
you open your initial claim. Claimants may be
eligible for a maximum benefit amount equal
to 26 weeks times their weekly benefit amount
or 46% of the “base period” wages, whichever
is less. Being fired for misconduct will lead to a
cap on the maximum number of weeks to be
claimed in a benefit year, not to exceed 23 full
weeks. If you work part-time and receive
partial unemployment benefits, you may file
until your benefit year expires or you exhaust
your benefit entitlement, whichever comes
(Process continued)
Separation pay, such as vacation pay, wages in
lieu of notice, paid time oě , or severance pay, may
disqualify you or result in a reduction of beneę ts
for one or more weeks.
During the fact-ę nding process beneę ts will not be
paid. You must continue to ę le your weekly
claim(s) during the fact-ę nding process in order to
be paid for such weeks.
Base Periods
An individual must have earned a minimum amount of wages during a fixed period of time known
as the “base period” to qualify for unemployment benefits. The wages used to determine your
unemployment eligibility and your weekly benefit amount (WBA) are wages that were paid to you
during each calendar quarter of your base period, regardless of when you earned them. Vermont
law provides three main and one special method to determine a base period. They are:
First Method: First four of the last five completed calendar quarters preceding the effective date of
your claim. The law requires the Department to use this method if you are monetarily eligible,
regardless of the benefit amount.
IF ineligible by the ę rst method, the second method may be used.
Second Method: Last four completed calendar quarters preceding the effective date of your claim.
IF ineligible by the second method, the third method may be used.
Third Method: Last three completed calendar quarters and the current quarter, using wages paid
up to the effective date of your claim.
IF ineligible by the third method, the fourth method may be used.
Fourth Method: Applies only if your separation from work was due to an “on the job injury” re-
sulting in a Workers’ Compensation Claim. Under these conditions, your base period is adjusted
so wages that would have been available to you at the time of injury are now available. To be
eligible under this method, you must have opened your new claim for unemployment benefits
within six months of the date your temporary Workers’ Compensation payments ended.
Base Period Chart
(when Initial
claim is À led)
Method 1
Method 2
Method 3
Oct 1- Dec 31 Jan 1 - Mar 31 Apr 1 - Jun 30 Jul 1 - Sept 30 Oct 1- Dec 31 Jan 1 - Mar 31
Method 1
Method 2
Method 3
Apr 1 - Jun 30 Jul 1 - Sept 30 Oct 1- Dec 31 Jan 1 - Mar 31 Apr 1 - Jun 30 Jul 1 - Sept 30
Method 1
Method 2
Method 3
15 | Vermont Department of Labor
Direct Deposit Services
If you are depositing to a Statement Savings
account, please contact your ę nancial
institution to obtain this information before
enrolling in the Direct Deposit Service.
Information Needed for Direct Depositing
Before You Call, Have The Following Information Available:
1. Social Security Number
2. Your financial institution’s routing number – This is a nine digit number
3. Your account number – This may be up to seventeen digits
4. Type of account – checking or savings
Simply follow the step-by-step instructions provided. If either the account or routing
number contains any leĴ ers, you must enroll online.
All direct deposits must go through a “pre-note” process with your ę nancial institution
to verify the information. Upon completion of the “pre-note” process, you can expect the
ę rst direct deposit to occur 14 calendar days after initial enrollment. A paper check will be
mailed until the enrollment process is completed. After the enrollment process has been
completed, you can expect deposit of funds in your account approximately two business
days following the process date of your weekly claim certification. Direct deposits are not
made on weekends or holidays.
If your account or routing number changes, you must immediately change your direct
deposit information by one of the two enrollment methods mentioned above. Changes
in account or routing numbers require another “pre-note” process. It is your responsibility
to maintain accurate information to prevent delays in processing your payments.
X Our online filing services, which are available
at under "File an
Unemployment Claim". Enter your SSN and
four digit PIN. At the personal data page, click
on the link named "Enroll or Update Direct
Deposit", which can be located at the bottom,
left hand side of the page.
You Can Enroll In Direct Deposit Services By:
Unemployment Insurance
& Income Taxes
Unemployment beneę ts are taxable and must
be reported as gross income on your federal
and state income tax returns. You may elect to
have federal and state taxes withheld from your
weekly benefits. You may change your
withholding option once during any benefit year.
The Department will notify you, the Internal
Revenue Service (IRS), and the Vermont Depart-
ment of Taxes of benefits you received and taxes
withheld from those benefits (if any) for the prior
year. You will be mailed a 1099G by the end of
January. It will be mailed to the current address
on file. If you lose your 1099G it is not necessary
to obtain a new copy, as you are not required to
submit a copy of this document to the IRS or
Vermont Department of Taxes.
BeneÀ t Overpayment,
Recovery, and Penalty Weeks
If you are not truthful or fail to disclose impor-
tant information to receive unemployment ben-
efits you will be required to repay the money to
the Department. Future benefits can and will be
withheld to offset your overpayment until paid
in full, and penalty weeks may be assessed. Your
federal and state tax refunds may be withheld,
you may be taken to court for a Judgment Order,
and a future employer may be required to with-
hold earnings from your paycheck.
The Department will impose penalty weeks in
situations where it is determined you intention-
ally misrepresented
Re-Qualifying for a New BeneÀ t Year
If you are unemployed when your beneę t year
ends, you may apply for a new claim. To re-
qualify, you must have performed work since
the eě ective date of your last beneę t year and
earned at least four times your weekly beneę t
amount. You must also call 1-877-214-3330 to
establish a new beneę t year.
New Hire Crossmatch
The Department collects information from
Vermont employers who are required to report
all newly hired individuals within 10 days of
the date of hire. We compare this information
against unemployment records to determine if
someone is both working and filing for un-
employment benefits. This program will also
match unemployment records against a
national database so individuals who go to
work in another state while receiving
unemployment benefits in Vermont will be
discovered. Penalties may be imposed if it is
found that you intentionally failed to disclose
or misreported your earnings while filing for
unemployment benefits.
When To Expect BeneÀ t Payments
Unemployment benefits are paid by check or direct deposit. If there are no issues requiring the
fact-finding process, payments will begin approximately two weeks after your initial contact to
the Department. For more information about fact-finding, please refer to the section titled
“Claims Adjudication Process”. You must file your weekly claim certification during the fact-
finding process in order to be paid for such weeks.
The Department suggests using direct deposit since it is the quickest way to receive your benefits.
Direct deposits are processed and generated the next workday. However, unemployment checks
are mailed once a week, no matter what day you file. Checks are normally mailed from
Montpelier on Thursdays. A legal holiday may delay mail service and direct deposits.
(continued next page)
17 | Vermont Department of Labor
a material fact in order to obtain benefits for
which you were not otherwise entitled to
receive. If penalty weeks are assessed, you
may lose the right to collect future benefits.
You will not be paid for future claims until
you have “offset” the number of penalty
weeks by filing the same number of eligible
weekly claims. Penalty weeks reduce your
benefit balance.
Extended BeneÀ ts
During high unemployment periods, it is
possible state and/or federal extended benefits
may be available. If we are in an extended
period and you are determined potentially
entitled to the extended benefits, you will
receive a notice with filing instructions AFTER
you have exhausted your regular benefit.
the “Workers/Unemployment” section.
BeneÀ t A
BeneÀ t Accuracy Measurement
Benefit Accuracy Measurement (BAM) is a
system designed to detect errors and fraud in the
Unemployment Insurance Program. Claims to
be audited are selected randomly each week.
Therefore, you may be selected more than once.
The audit includes a review of eligibility for
unemployment, employer records, Department
records, claimant's work search contacts, and
claimant statements. This audit ensures accuracy
of your claim. Failure to participate in a BAM
audit may result in a denial of benefits.
Appealing Determinations
After a determination has been issued (ex-
plained in Section 3), both you and your pre-
vious employer have the right to appeal a
determination within 30 calendar days of the
determination date.
MAIL: Vermont Department of Labor
P. O. Box 488
ntpelier, Vermont 05601-0488
FAX: 802-828-4289
IN PERSON: You can deliver a leĴ er of
appeal in person at the administrative oĜ ce
of the VDOL at 5 Green Mountain Drive in
Montpelier, Vermont.
If you appeal your determination, make sure
you continue to ę le weekly claim certifications
each week you are unemployed until a decision
on the appeal has been made. Failure to ę
weekly claim certification may result in a loss
of beneę ts for the weeks not ę led for.
Three Appeal Levels
The ę rst level of Appeal is to the Administra-
tive Law Judge. Appeals to the Administrative
Law Judge must be submiĴ ed, in writing, no
later than 30 calendar days from the date of the
determination being appealed. Regardless of
which party appeals, it is very important to par-
ticipate in this telephone hearing, as this is your
only chance in the appeals process to present
testimony and evidence relevant to the issues.
After the hearing is completed, a wriĴ en deci-
sion will be sent to all parties involved.
The second level of Appeal is to the Vermont
Employment Security Board. Appeals to the
Vermont Employment Security board must be
submiĴ ed, in writing, no later than 30 calen-
dar days from the date of the decision being
appealed. The Board will conduct a hearing
in Montpelier to review all testimony and
evidence presented at the Administrative Law
Judge hearing. You may participate in the hear-
ing, but no new testimony or evidence may be
presented. After the Board hearing is complet-
ed, a wriĴ en decision will be sent to all parties
The third level of Appeal is to the Vermont
Supreme Court. The Clerk of the Employment
Security Board must RECEIVE appeals to the
Vermont Supreme Court, in writing, no later
than 30 calendar days from the date of the
decision being appealed. Although it is not
required, many people engage the services of
an aĴ orney before proceeding with an appeal
to the Supreme Court. There is a ę ling fee for
appeals to this level, but in some circumstances
the Court can waive this fee. The Supreme
Court will review the record and issue a wriĴ
decision, which is ę nal.
Your Rights as a Claimant
(0$,/ labor[email protected]
The Appeal Process
Notice of Hearing
The Notice of Hearing before an Administrative
Law Judge will provide you with important in-
formation about the time and date of the appeal
hearing, which will be conducted by a tele-
phone conference. Mail or FAX (802-828-4289)
any documents you want to have considered as
evidence in the hearing to the Appeals Office
and, if the case involves your former employer,
to that employer so they can be considered as
part of the record. Do this immediately fol-
lowing receipt of the Notice of Hearing so the
documents are received no less than 24 business
hours before the hearing. If you do not send a
copy to the employer, your exhibits will NOT
be entered into the record, will not be con-
sidered in making the decision, and may not be
available for use later in the appeal process.
NOTE: After receipt of the Notice of Hearing, you
must call the Appeals O Ĝ ce with a telephone
number where you can be reached at the time of the
hearing, even if you have previously supplied a
telephone number. You will not be called if you
do not supply a telephone number.
Do I Need a Lawyer?
Hearings are designed to permit laypersons to
represent themselves. If the issues are complex,
if you expect the other party to be represented
by an aĴ orney, or if you think you may have
di Ĝ culty presenting your case, you may wish
to consult an aĴ orney. You can also contact Ver-
mont Legal Aid to see if they can provide legal
assistance to you. If you are going to have an aĴ
orney, you should let the Appeals OĜ ce know
as soon as possible to avoid scheduling delays.
Hearings will not be postponed to allow a
party to seek legal representation.
Evaluate and Prepare Your Evidence
The first level of appeal with the Administrative
Law Judge is a de novo review, which means
the judge reviews the case based solely on
evidence presented in the hearing record. The
judge is not bound by earlier findings or
determinations made by the Department.
Since this will be your ONLY opportunity to
present your evidence, and further appeals
only review testimony and other evidence
introduced at this hearing, you should be
prepared to participate in this process and to
present your side of the story.
What Goes on at the Hearing Before an
Administrative Law Judge?
The Administrative Law Judge will connect all
the parties in a conference call and the hearing
will be recorded. S/he will explain the process at
the beginning of the hearing, decide which
documents (exhibits) will be made part of the
record, and then swear in the witnesses and
take testimony from one person at a time. You
will have the chance to cross examine the em-
ployer’s witnesses and ask any questions of any
witness testifying for you. One participant for
the employer will be able to cross examine you
and your witnesses. The purpose of the hearing
is to gather all the relevant information about
why your employment ended. Usually, things
that happened close to the time of separation
and those that directly lead to it are the most
relevant. If something is not relevant, the judge
may stop the witness from testifying about it.
When testifying, speak clearly and try to
remain calm. The judge will ask questions to
try to get all the information about the ending
of your employment. The judge is not familiar
with your former workplace so s/he may ask
you to explain who people are or about the
procedure for different tasks. Having a
calendar handy may be helpful and you may
want to take notes when the employer’s
witnesses are testifying because you will not be
allowed to interrupt them.
The Importance of Witnesses & Subpoenas
You must inform the Appeals O Ĝ ce in advance
of the names and telephone numbers of wit-
nesses whom you want to testify in the hearing.
Make sure that your witnesses are willing to
participate and that they will be available at the
time of the hearing. If a witness is not available,
19 | Vermont Department of Labor
you may obtain and submit a wriĴ en statement
from them. Such statements never carry the
full weight of direct testimony at the hearing. If
a witness whom you believe to be vital to your
case refuses to testify, you may request that the
Administrative Law Judge issue a subpoena. A
subpoena request must be submiĴ ed in writ-
ing, in advance of the hearing date. The request
must include a statement that the witness has
been asked to testify but has refused. It must
also explain why the witness’s testimony is
essential and provide a physical address (not a
P O Box) for each witness. A subpoena request
may be granted or denied at the judge’s discre-
Contacts with the Administrative Law Judge
Outside of the Hearing
The Administrative Law Judge generally will
have no contact with you or any party outside
of the hearing. This is to avoid the appearance
of unfairness or of accepting evidence outside
the hearing. Other members of the Appeals
Office will advise or assist you with procedural
questions. In the State of Vermont, appeal
hearings are CONFIDENTIAL and are not
open to the public.
Postponement of a Hearing
You should make every attempt to participate
in the appeal hearing when scheduled. Either
party may request a postponement, but the
postponement must be for good cause, such as
serious illness or injury, which is determined
by the appeals representative who makes the
decision on a case-by-case basis. If you wish to
have a postponement, you must call the Ap-
peals Office to request one, as far in advance of
the hearing date as possible.
Withdrawal of an Appeal
If you wish to withdraw your appeal, you may
do so in writing or by calling the Appeals
Office. You should notify the Appeals Office as
soon as possible prior to the date of the
hearing. If the employer has filed the appeal,
you cannot withdraw the appeal and the
hearing will take place. If the appeal is
withdrawn, the initial determination or
decision becomes final and cannot be changed.
er(s) provide the
The information you and your employer(s) provide the Department is confidential and will
not be released to the public. Information will be shared with you and your employer(s) if
necessary to process the claim for benefits. In addition, federal and/or state law requires the
Department to release information to the following agencies:
Vermont Department of Children & Families
Vermont Department of Taxes
Vermont’s Crime Victims Restitution Unit
Vermont OĜ ce of Child Support
Vermont Department of Education
Social Security Administration
National Directory of New Hires
US Department of Housing & Urban Development
U. S. Department of Labor
All Unemployment Insurance Agencies
Federal Parent Locator Service
Internal Revenue Service
United States Treasury Department
Findings and conclusions contained in Departmental decisions
are not admissible in any other venue.
ConÀ dentiality
21 | Vermont Department of Labor
If you filed your complaint with the recipient, you
must wait either until the recipient issues a written
Notice of Final Action or until 90 days have passed
(whichever is sooner) before filing a complaint
with the Civil Rights Center (see above).
If the recipient does not give you a wriĴ en Notice
of Final Action within 90 days of the day on which
you FILED your complaint, you do not have to
wait for the recipient to issue that Notice before
ę ling a complaint with the CRC. However, you
must ę le your CRC complaint within 30 days of
the 90-day deadline. In other words, it must be
within 120 days after the date on which you FILED
your complaint with the recipient.
If the recipient does give you a wriĴ en Notice of
Final Action on your complaint, but you are dis-
satisę ed with the decision or resolution, you may
ę le a complaint with the Civil Rights Center. You
must ę le your CRC complaint within 30 days of
the date on which you received the Notice of Final
Limited English ProÀ ciency and Sign
Language Interpreters
If a language translator or a sign language inter-
preter is needed, please contact the Department
immediately. The Department uses a telephone
based language interpretation service for non-
English speaking parties. If a sign language
interpreter is needed the Department will make
Americans with Disabilities Act
Domestic and Sexual Violence
Survivors’ Transition BeneÀ ts
If an individual is disqualified for unemploy-
ment benefits, 21 V.S.A. Chapter 16A
provides temporary partial wage
replacement to individuals who must leave
employment, without good cause
attributable to the employer, because of
circumstances directly resulting from
domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking.
Any time an individual is disqualified for
regular unemployment benefits and it is
known to the Department that domestic
violence, sexual assault, or stalking may have
resulted in the individual ending his or her
employment, eligibility for this wage
replacement is automatically explored.
If you feel you might be eligible for these ben-
efits and have been disqualified for unemploy-
ment benefits, please call our Unemployment
Claims Center manager at 802-828-9150 or the
Director of the Unemployment Insurance and
Wages Division at 802-828-4242.
Equal Opportunity
Equal Opportunity is the law. The Vermont
Department of Labor is an Equal Opportunity/
Affirmative Action Employer. Applications
from women, individuals with disabilities, and
people from diverse cultural backgrounds are
encouraged. Auxiliary aids and services are
available upon request to individuals with dis-
abilities. 711 (TTY/Relay Service) or (800)
650-4152 TDD (Vermont Department of Labor).
It is against the law for the Vermont Depart-
ment of Labor, being a recipient of federal
financial assistance, to discriminate against
any individual on the basis of race,
disability, color, ancestry, place of birth,
national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation,
religion, political affiliation, or belief.
If you think you have been subjected to
discrimination in the processing of your claim
or otherwise by the Department, you may file
a complaint within 180 days from the alleged
violation with either:
This Department complies with the Americans
with Disability Act. If you require special
assistance due to a disability, as defined in the
Act, in order to pursue your rights, please contact
the Department immediately.
The recipient's Equal Opportunity Officer-
Vermont Department of Labor by mail:
P.O. Box 488, Montpelier, Vermont 05601-0488
by telephone: (802) 828-4391;
by TDD: (800) 650-4152;
or by filing with:
The Director, Civil Rights
Center (CRC) U.S. Department of Labor by mail:
200 Constitution Avenue, Room N-4123
Washington, DC 20210
The purpose of this worksheet is to assist you in properly reporting your gross wages and hours worked while filing for UI
benefits. If you perform work and file for benefits during a given week, this worksheet can be very helpful in calculating
the amount to report and also serve as a reference document if questions about your reported earnings later arise.
Please keep in mind that failure to provide true and accurate information when filing your weekly claim certification may
result in an overpayment of UI benefits. If it is determined that you intentionally misrepresented your claim, along with
having to repay overpaid monies, penalties will be imposed.
If you have questions regarding proper reporting of hours or gross wages while filing for UI benefits or you discover you
have made a mistake in your reporting, please call the Claimant Assistance Line at 1-877-214-3332.
To calculate gross wages earned each day, you must multiply the total hours worked by the rate of pay. The amount that you
would be required to report on your weekly claim is the grand total of all the daily earnings, along with the grand total of the
number of hours worked. For Example A, you would report working a total of 9 hours and gross wages of $72.00,
of whether or not you have been paid for this work. For Example B, you would report working a total of 23 hours (rounding down
23.25 hours to 23 hours) and gross wages of $209.25, regardless of whether or not you have been paid for this work. When
calculating your total number of hours worked you must always round down to the nearest full hour.
You will also need to enter the Week Ending (W/E) date on the chart, for the week that you are reporting gross wages for.
D-11 (07/17)
Example A
Example B
Claim Week
Claim Week
Sun. Mon. Tues. Weds. Thurs. Fri. Sat.
Week Ending
February 21st
Week Ending
February 14th
89 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Worked 6 Hrs.
Earned $48.00
Worked 3 Hrs.
Earned $24.00
Worked 4.5 Hrs.
Earned $40.50
Worked 4 Hrs.
Earned $36.00
Worked 4 Hrs.
Earned $36.00
Worked 6.75 Hrs.
Earned $60.75
Worked 4 Hrs.
Earned $36.00
EXAMPLE A: Weekly Earnings Worksheet
W/E 02/14/xx
Total To Report On
Weekly Claim
Sun. Mon. Tues. Weds. Thurs. Fri. Sat.
Hours Worked
Rate of Pay
Total Earned
Name and
Address of
John's Del i
321 "B" St.
Stowe, VT
John's Del i
321 "B" St.
Stowe, VT
6 3 9
$8.00 $8.00
$48.00 $24.00 $72.00
EXAMPLE B: Weekly Earnings Worksheet
W/E 02/14/xx
Total To Report On
Weekly Claim
Sun. Mon. Tues. Weds. Thurs. Fri. Sat.
Hours Worked
Rate of Pay
Total Earned
Name and
Address of
John's Del i
321 "B" St.
Stowe, VT
John's Del i
321 "B" St.
Stowe, VT
4.5 4 6.75 4 4 23
$40.50 $36.00 $60.75 $36.00 $36.00 $209.25
$9.00 $9.00 $9.00 $9.00 $9.00
23.25 (round down)
John's Del i
321 "B" St.
Stowe, VT
John's Del i
321 "B" St.
Stowe, VT
John's Del i
321 "B" St.
Stowe, VT
Worksheets and Forms
23 | Vermont Department of Labor
Gross Wage Calculation Worksheet
Print Name: _____________________________________________ Last 4 Digits of SSN #: _______
W/E _______
Total To Report On
Weekly Claim
Sun. Mon. Tues. Weds. Thurs. Fri. Sat.
Hours Worked
Rate of Pay
Total Earned
Name and
Address of
W/E _______
Total To Report On
Weekly Claim
Sun. Mon. Tues. Weds. Thurs. Fri. Sat.
Hours Worked
Rate of Pay
Total Earned
Name and
Address of
W/E _______
Total To Report On
Weekly Claim
Sun. Mon. Tues. Weds. Thurs. Fri. Sat.
Hours Worked
Rate of Pay
Total Earned
Name and
Address of
W/E _______
Total To Report On
Weekly Claim
Sun. Mon. Tues. Weds. Thurs. Fri. Sat.
Hours Worked
Rate of Pay
Total Earned
Name and
Address of
To notify the Department of a name or address change, complete this form, sign, and mail it to:
Vermont Department of Labor
Attn: Claims Center
P.O. Box 189
Montpelier, VT 05601-0189
OR fax the completed form to the Department at 802-828-9191.
PLEASE PRINT and provide the following information:
SSN: _____________________
Former Name: ____________________________________________
Previous Address: _________________________________________
Old Telephone Number: (____) ______________
NEW Name:
NEW Address: ____________________________________________
NEW Telephone Number:
(____) ____________
I hereby authorize the change of this information on my Unemployment Insurance Claim.
Signature: _____________________________________ Date: _____________________
B-2 (07/17)
If you are currently enrolled in the direct deposit program and your bank account and/or routing numbers have
changes as a result of the move or name change, you MUST update your account information OR cancel your
direct deposit immediately. To update your account information on-line, go to or call the
Weekly Continued Claims Line at 1-800-983-2300, option 6. Failure to do this will result in the delay of your
expected payments. It is your responsibility to maintain accurate information with the Department.
To notify the Department of a name or address change, complete this form, sign, and mail it to:
Vermont Department of Labor
Attn: Claims Center
P.O. Box 189
Montpelier, VT 05601-0189
OR fax the completed form to the Department at 802-828-9191.
PLEASE PRINT and provide the following information:
SSN: _____________________
Former Name: ____________________________________________
Previous Address: _________________________________________
Old Telephone Number: (____) ______________
NEW Name:
NEW Address: ____________________________________________
NEW Telephone Number:
(____) ____________
I hereby authorize the change of this information on my Unemployment Insurance Claim.
Signature: _____________________________________ Date: _____________________
B-2 (07/17)
If you are currently enrolled in the direct deposit program and your bank account and/or routing numbers have
changes as a result of the move or name change, you MUST update your account information OR cancel your
direct deposit immediately. To update your account information on-line, go to or call the
Weekly Continued Claims Line at 1-800-983-2300, option 6. Failure to do this will result in the delay of your
expected payments. It is your responsibility to maintain accurate information with the Department.
If an employer guarantees you a full-time job for the future, please have the employer complete
and return this form.
Claimant Name:______________________________________ Last four digits of SS#:
Start Date: ___________________ Company Name: __________________________________
Company Address: ______________________________________________________________
Company Telephone Number: ____________ Unemployment Account Number: _____________
Signature of Hiring Official: _________________________________________
Print Name of Hiring Official: _______________________________________
Hiring Employer must return completed form to:
Vermont Department of Labor
Montpelier, VT 05601-0189
Fax: 802-828-9191
B-37 (8/11)
P.O. Box 189
If an employer guarantees you a full-time job for the future, please have the employer complete
and return this form.
Claimant Name:______________________________________ Last four digits of SS#:
Start Date: ___________________ Company Name: __________________________________
Company Address: ______________________________________________________________
Company Telephone Number: ____________ Unemployment Account Number: _____________
Signature of Hiring Official: _________________________________________
Print Name of Hiring Official: _______________________________________
Hiring Employer must return completed form to:
Vermont Department of Labor
Montpelier, VT 05601-0189
Fax: 802-828-9191
B-37 (8/11)
P.O. Box 189
When you return to work, you should complete this form, sign, and mail it to:
Vermont Department of Labo
Attn: Claims Cente
P.O. Box 189
Montpelier, Vermont 05601-0189
Or fax the completed form to the Department at (802) 828-9191.
Name: _____________________________________________________
Last four digits of your SS#: __________________
I have started work for my last employer a new employe
Employer Name: _____________________________________________
Employer Address: ___________________________________________
Employer Telephone Number: _______________________
Date I started work: ___________________________
Occupation: _________________________________________________
CAUTION: If you file a claim for benefits after your start date, you MUST report earnings when
you call in your claim. Report GROSS WAGES EARNED Sunday through Saturday of that
week, whether or not you received payment.
I expect this work to be: Full-Time Part-Time
Starting Wage: $ ____________ pe
(circle one)
hour day week month
Signature: ________________________________ Date: ___________________
B-1 (08/17)
When you return to work, you should complete this form, sign, and mail it to:
Vermont Department of Labo
Attn: Claims Cente
P.O. Box 189
Montpelier, Vermont 05601-0189
Or fax the completed form to the Department at (802) 828-9191.
Name: _____________________________________________________
Last four digits of your SS#: __________________
I have started work for my last employer a new employe
Employer Name: _____________________________________________
Employer Address: ___________________________________________
Employer Telephone Number: _______________________
Date I started work: ___________________________
Occupation: _________________________________________________
CAUTION: If you file a claim for benefits after your start date, you MUST report earnings when
you call in your claim. Report GROSS WAGES EARNED Sunday through Saturday of that
week, whether or not you received payment.
I expect this work to be: Full-Time Part-Time
Starting Wage: $ ____________ pe
(circle one)
hour day week month
Signature: ________________________________ Date: ___________________
B-1 (07/17)
This optional appeal form can be mailed or faxed directly to the Department.
Mailing address:
ppeals Unit
Vermont Department of Labo
PO Box 488
Montpelier, VT 05601-0488
Fax: 802-828-4289
Name: ________________________________________________________
Mailing Address: ____________________________________________
Last four digits of SSN: ___________
Date of the determination being appealed: ____________________________
Brief explanation of the issue(s) and why you are appealing: ______________________
Signature: _________________________________
Printed Name: ______________________________
Date: _____________________________________
B-12 (07/17)
This optional appeal form can be mailed or faxed directly to the Department.
Mailing address:
ppeals Unit
Vermont Department of Labo
PO Box 488
Montpelier, VT 05601-0488
Fax: 802-828-4289
Name: ________________________________________________________
Mailing Address: ____________________________________________
Last four digits of SSN: ___________
Date of the determination being appealed: ____________________________
Brief explanation of the issue(s) and why you are appealing: ______________________
Signature: _________________________________
Printed Name: ______________________________
Date: _____________________________________
B-12 (07/17)
WORK SEARCH REPORT Name: Last four digits of your SS#:
You are required to make and keep accurate records of your weekly job contacts.$YDOLGFRQWDFWGHSHQGVRQWKHW\SHRIZRUN\RXDUHTXDOLÀHGWRSHUIRUP6XEPLWWLQJD
PXVWFRQWDFWVRPHRQHDXWKRUL]HGWRKLUHDQGSURYLGHWKHQDPHDQGWLWOHRIWKHSHUVRQFRQWDFWHGYou may be asked to submit a copy of this list to the Department. Always
Signature: %077
Company Information
Address ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
42 | Vermont Department of Labor
WORK SEARCH REPORT Name: Last four digits of your SS#:
You are required to make and keep accurate records of your weekly job contacts.$YDOLGFRQWDFWGHSHQGVRQWKHW\SHRIZRUN\RXDUHTXDOLÀHGWRSHUIRUP6XEPLWWLQJD
PXVWFRQWDFWVRPHRQHDXWKRUL]HGWRKLUHDQGSURYLGHWKHQDPHDQGWLWOHRIWKHSHUVRQFRQWDFWHGYou may be asked to submit a copy of this list to the Department. Always
B-82 (07/17)
Company Information
Address ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
WORK SEARCH REPORT Name: Last four digits of your SS#:
You are required to make and keep accurate records of your weekly job contacts.$YDOLGFRQWDFWGHSHQGVRQWKHW\SHRIZRUN\RXDUHTXDOLÀHGWRSHUIRUP6XEPLWWLQJD
PXVWFRQWDFWVRPHRQHDXWKRUL]HGWRKLUHDQGSURYLGHWKHQDPHDQGWLWOHRIWKHSHUVRQFRQWDFWHGYou may be asked to submit a copy of this list to the Department. Always
B-82 (07/17)
Company Information
Address ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
44 | Vermont Department of Labor
WORK SEARCH REPORT Name: Last four digits of your SS#:
You are required to make and keep accurate records of your weekly job contacts.$YDOLGFRQWDFWGHSHQGVRQWKHW\SHRIZRUN\RXDUHTXDOLÀHGWRSHUIRUP6XEPLWWLQJD
PXVWFRQWDFWVRPHRQHDXWKRUL]HGWRKLUHDQGSURYLGHWKHQDPHDQGWLWOHRIWKHSHUVRQFRQWDFWHGYou may be asked to submit a copy of this list to the Department. Always
B-82 (07/17)
Company Information
Address ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
WORK SEARCH REPORT Name: Last four digits of your SS#:
You are required to make and keep accurate records of your weekly job contacts.$YDOLGFRQWDFWGHSHQGVRQWKHW\SHRIZRUN\RXDUHTXDOLÀHGWRSHUIRUP6XEPLWWLQJD
PXVWFRQWDFWVRPHRQHDXWKRUL]HGWRKLUHDQGSURYLGHWKHQDPHDQGWLWOHRIWKHSHUVRQFRQWDFWHGYou may be asked to submit a copy of this list to the Department. Always
B-82 (07/17)
Company Information
Address ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
46 | Vermont Department of Labor
WORK SEARCH REPORT Name: Last four digits of your SS#:
You are required to make and keep accurate records of your weekly job contacts.$YDOLGFRQWDFWGHSHQGVRQWKHW\SHRIZRUN\RXDUHTXDOLÀHGWRSHUIRUP6XEPLWWLQJD
PXVWFRQWDFWVRPHRQHDXWKRUL]HGWRKLUHDQGSURYLGHWKHQDPHDQGWLWOHRIWKHSHUVRQFRQWDFWHGYou may be asked to submit a copy of this list to the Department. Always
B-82 (07/17)
Company Information
Address ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
WORK SEARCH REPORT Name: Last four digits of your SS#:
You are required to make and keep accurate records of your weekly job contacts.$YDOLGFRQWDFWGHSHQGVRQWKHW\SHRIZRUN\RXDUHTXDOLÀHGWRSHUIRUP6XEPLWWLQJD
PXVWFRQWDFWVRPHRQHDXWKRUL]HGWRKLUHDQGSURYLGHWKHQDPHDQGWLWOHRIWKHSHUVRQFRQWDFWHGYou may be asked to submit a copy of this list to the Department. Always
B-82 (07/17)
Company Information
Address ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
48 | Vermont Department of Labor
WORK SEARCH REPORT Name: Last four digits of your SS#:
You are required to make and keep accurate records of your weekly job contacts.$YDOLGFRQWDFWGHSHQGVRQWKHW\SHRIZRUN\RXDUHTXDOLÀHGWRSHUIRUP6XEPLWWLQJD
PXVWFRQWDFWVRPHRQHDXWKRUL]HGWRKLUHDQGSURYLGHWKHQDPHDQGWLWOHRIWKHSHUVRQFRQWDFWHGYou may be asked to submit a copy of this list to the Department. Always
B-82 (07/17)
Company Information
Address ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
5 Green Mountain Drive, P.O. Box 488 • Montpelier, Vermont 05601-0488
Workforce Development Division • 802-828-4151
Other Inquiries: 802-828-4000
McFarland State Of ce Bldg.
5 Perry Street, Suite 200
Barre, VT 05641
Telephone: 802-476-2600
200 Veterans Memorial Drive
Suite 2
Bennington, VT 05201
Telephone: 802-442-6376
28 Vernon Street
Suite 212
Brattleboro, VT 05301
Telephone: 802-254-4555
63 Pearl Street
Burlington, VT 05401
Telephone: 802-863-7676
1590 Rte. 7 South, Suite 5
Middlebury, VT 05753
Telephone: 802-388-4921
197 Harrel Street
Morrisville, VT 05661-0429
Telephone: 802-888-4545
Emory E. Hebard State Of ce
100 Main Street, Suite 210
Newport, VT 05855
Telephone: 802-334-6545
50 Randolph Avenue
Randolph, VT 05060
Telephone: 802-476-2600
(By appointment only)
200 Asa Bloomer Building
88 Merchants Row
Rutland, VT 05701
Telephone: 802-786-5837
56 Main Street, Suite 101
Springfield, VT 05156
Telephone: 802-289-0999
20 Houghton Street, Rm. 101
St. Albans, VT 05478
Telephone: 802-524-6585
1197 Main Street
Suite 1
St. Johnsbury, VT 05819
Telephone: 802-748-3177
To learn more about the
Vermont Department of Labor,
download a QR code app on
your smartphone and scan
this code.
Make Vermont Home
27 Federal St., Suite 100
St. Albans, VT 05478
118 Prospect Street, Suite 302
Hartford, VT 05047
Telephone: 802-295-8805
A-7 (08/17)
Claimant Handbook
State of Vermont
Department of Labor
5 Green Mountain Drive
P.O. Box 488
Montpelier, VT 05601-0488
A Guide to Unemployment Insurance in Vermont